
Basic 3D Layouts

In order to tie down my layouts and perspectives I created a very simplified 3D model in Maya of the “set” of my film. In a few shots I also added basic placeholder “characters” to help with dimensions and proportions. I then placed a camera in the scene and rendered a still image for each…

Planning Chart

The scheduling for this project has gone a bit off track, and I’d like to be able to blame that on the Covid-19 situation but in reality it is mostly down to my own bad time management. The link below is the planning chart I am working with, which is less a scheduling document and…

Finalised Character Designs

Based on my experimental character designs I did in the first semester (see here and here) I focused on finalising those side characters to be able to start the animation phase. The Residents: The Nurse: So together with the main character, the grandchild and the chicken that I had designed previously I finally arrived at…

Pipeline & Methodology

Background For the background of this shot, as with most of the other ones, I started with a basic 3D model. Based on this, I sketched a rough outline of the room followed by the cleaned-up lineart including added details. The colouring was done in two passes, I first blocked out all the base colours,…

Film & Final Reflective Statement

This project started out quite well, and then just gradually deteriorated due to a chronic lack of motivation and questionable time management. I do believe that this film has potential and I am still determined to finish it at some point, but I have struggled a lot trying to find the motivation to work on…


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